-Tonight,someone is smiling too him. -Tonight,someone is touching his sweet angel face. -Tonight,someone is kissing his beautiful lips. -Tonight,someone will get his warm hug. -Tonight,someone will have his heart forever.
Last night was one of the hardest and heaviest nights since i don't know when. I cry almost all night and i did not wanted to bother anyone with my problems. People judge,and i can't handle judgement at the moment. I was witing one message more then a lot and could not, got the courage to send it,i knew that i wouldn't got the reply back ,i wasn't expecting it either. He moved on but he didn't wanted to admit it,he knew that the truth would hurt me. Can't stop asking myself,did he ever felt anything for me,was it all just one big game for him,was i one more number on his list?? I remember what he write too me and sometimes i'm that much stupid too think that it wasn't fake,after all. Is he good actor a perfect player or just a boy. I will keep asking myself:''What if??'' And that is all that i can do.
While i was waiting to cross the street ,i notice an older man who was talking to himself ,really sad view,.... am thankful to dear God that i'm not born on that kind of way and ALL other will come by itself,.....
2 Days ago,i was on my way to work with my friend ,when we came to the garage where the car was,a man came to him and ask him for something, meanwhile someone grab me and try to take my bag ,my friend saw that and he try to defend me but that guy who was talking to him ,punch him and he fall down. And this one who wanted to take my bag,he grab me for my hair,pull me so hard and fast and he throw me into wall.We wake up in hospital , and my friend is hurt so much 'cus he wanted to help me.